Fear, the challenge of ones life
Fear is just an illusion. I have heard that a lot, however in the moment it feels so real that I just don’t care what people say. A terrifying sensation occurs in every part of our body that paralyzes us from taking action.
Our first innate instinct to fear is to avoid it at all cost. This is what we developed for survival in the early ages. However, just like how we have evolved overtime the concept of fear has evolved with us.
Fear is a complex emotion to understand, through my searches, I came across this song by Blue October that just about sums it up.
Evolve your definition
Fear is something we all have. Whether it helps us gain momentum or paralyzes us, is something only we can decide. That’s the challenge. We need to change our concept of fear. Instead of seeing it as an unpleasant emotion that should be avoided, we need to see it as an opportunity, an opportunity for us to test our limits, it give us the opportunity to grow stronger, to level up.
Fear will always be there in our life. Whenever we go to far from our comfort zone, whenever we experience something that we have no solution for, whenever we feel uncertain, a fearful sensation will occur. Allow yourself to feel it. It’s when you run away from it that the problem arises.
My hat goes off to those who have learnt how to master their fear. Somehow they have managed to change their definition of fear to work for them, consciously they turn their feeling of fear into excitement. They become excited to test their limits, curious about the outcome, in turn prove to themselves that they can do actually do what was once previously feared. With each step fear slowly left their grip over them. How freeing must that be?
I have had enough of running away, I now realize the only way to be freed from this feeling is to face it, face the cause. Lets dive into this uncanny emotion and see where we end up. What do we have to lose?