
Comfort Zone, is it made to be broken?

Comfort zone. A familiar place. It is when we feel at ease with our surroundings and experiences. This is something we create and all have, however the size of our comfort zone varies, it’s something that depends on us.

Those who have a small comfort zone have a limited range of activities and experiences that they are comfortable with. Anything outside their narrow comfort zone feels scary as they have nothing to relate future events to which allows your mind to wander. We take every opportunity to avoid new experiences as its unknown territory.

While those with large comfort zone are able to feel relaxed in various environments and situations. They are able to embrace uncertainty and change. Our risk takers. They happily take on new experiences and challenges as it allows for greater exploration which enriches ones life.


Yesterday I realized how small my comfort zone actually was. I had been invited to a Navjote ceremony, which in simple terms is a coming of age ceremony we have in my culture. When I entered the reception I was simply overwhelmed with the amount off people. My mind went crazy feeding me negative thoughts back and fought. I immediately become self conscious, started to act awkwardly and wanted to high tail it out of there. As I couldn’t I did the next best thing and went over to sit with my parents after greeting a few people. In that situation, they were my comfort zone. In contrast, I would see my brother chatting away make friends with everyone and think to myself why is it so hard for me? Will that ever be me?

My brother is the total opposite of me. He is outgoing, confident and has the ability to hold a conversation with anyone, making them feel good. While I on the other hand am quite reserved in social situations, finding it hard to have a conversation with anyone I don’t have a close relationship with. After the reception, I asked my brother how he does it, he simply replied back “I just have a curiosity”. Over the years he grew his comfort zone so he felt comfortable enough to act on his curiosity.

Grow you comfort zone

Stepping out of our comfort zone allows us to develop new skills, gain new experiences and perspectives. It broadens our horizons and eventually allows us to grow as a person. By growing your comfort zone you overcome any fears and insecurities you may have while building confidence in yourself. However, growing your comfort zone is a tricky thing to do as it requires us to step out of what feel safe and familiar to us and face new, uncertain situations. It is bound to feel challenging to us, so go at your own pace, only you know how far to push yourself at a time. By growing your comfort zone you grow as a person.

Let’s start by changing our interpretations. Let’s see our comfort zone as something that is meant to be broken, it is built to expand. If something feels challenging lets see it as an opportunity to grow. A chance to better ourselves.

Here’s to the start of various challenges to grow our comfort zone and to slowly feel more at ease with ourselves.