
FIT & HEALTHY BODY. Make it simple.

Who doesn’t want to be fit and healthy? If its something everyone wants why is it so hard to do? For years now I have had this goal but haven’t seen any improvements. I’ve been watching videos after videos, writing notes in various locations, trying out different exercises only to find myself back at square one. Reflecting on this now I realize that I have been setting myself up for failure. I have been making it hard for myself.

When there are so many distracting factors around us, various choices and decisions we make in our daily life, why make things more difficult for ourselves by leaving remove of question. By gathering numerous information from various sources and not just sitting down to create a simple, fixed routine for myself I allowed for failure. I made the goal so vast that it allowed me to second guess myself, feel overwhelmed, put things off, and feel like nothing was working.

There was no CONSISTENCY, and it is said without consistency you are sure to see no results. We all know in some form or another that consistency is key. So its stupid for me to think that one day something would magically work and I will be living the healthy life that I have been dreaming off. For this change I would need to make a life style change. Add simple things I could do in my everyday life consistently for a new healthier me.

With my New year being just around the corner, what better time to start then now. I am going to make the change to be the future fit and healthy me.

3 Keys to a Fit & Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Exercise.
  2. Eat healthy
  3. Rest

As I do enough of resting, I am going to focus on the top 2 keys. Will simply add the below changes in my everyday life and how it will be measured.

  1. Everyday at 8:30 PM I am going to do some form of physically exercise. (Measure= Journaling). After completing the exercise will write down what I did and how long it took.
  2. I will become conscious off what I eat. (Measure= Food Tracker) Only when I am conscious of what I eat, I will make sure to items from the healthy food groups to each of my meals.
  3. Stay hydrated. (Measure= Water bottle) Will drink the minimum of 1 bottle a day.

These are my three simple, everyday actions. What are yours?

We each have our why? When you feel yourself slipping, take a step back and remind yourself off your WHY, remind yourself that things are not magically going to change, its a gradual process and you will need to give yourself time. Believe that if you just consistently follow your goal, one day you will see the results.

Let’s do this together.