
LinkedIn Quiz- Fear?

The next thing on my staircase was taking a LinkedIn quiz. Seems pretty simple doesn’t it? but every time I sat down to do it, my negative thoughts began to play. The task was quickly put on the back seat and soon forgotten, however the feelings of self-disappointment lingered within me, increasing as each day went by without me even knowing.

Did I fear the task? No, I didn’t fear the task itself, I feared the result. The result that I created within my mind. What I feared was failure. I only saw myself failing and feared looking stupid in the eyes of others.

Thanks to you, and my fear staircase, I finally acknowledged my feelings ,ignored those negative thoughts and completed the quiz. Guess what, I failed and it was as bad as I thought. The pain of failing the task was not as bad as the pain I created for myself by avoiding the task.

It was funny that only after I failed, I saw things more clearly and now know exactly what I need to do to pass. As Henry Ford once said ” Failure is simply the opportunity to began again, and this time more intelligently”. Don’t let your fear of failure turn into regret as REGRET hurts 100x harder then failure.

Failure is something we can learn from, it gives us wisdom and the opportunity to try again but this time we have the power to move closer to success. However, regret on the other hand is something that you can never get back, and only causes sorrow. Failure is not something to be afraid of, its a tool for us to use for success.

What is something you fear to do because of the chance of failure? Give yourself the time to acknowledge it and take action. Let me know the outcome? Was it as bad as you thought? or Did you actually succeed? What did you learn by taking the step?

Lets understand our fears.