Keep calm and mediate
Meditation. The practice of mindfulness. We all have come across this term and some may even have tried it.
Meditation has many benefits, it helps us calm our mind and allow us to regain control of ourselves as we direct our attention to what we want.
All you need to do is become aware of the present moment and the most simplest way is through focusing on our breath. Whenever we get lost in our thoughts and emotions we only need to realize this and redirect our focus back on our breath.
Some people say meditation is not for them as there mind is always else where, but the very fact you have realized this is a win. All you need to do now is to bring back your attention to the present moment no matter how many times it may take. Each time you do it, you score.
I challenge you to just sit down for 5mins a day for 1 week to see for yourself if meditation has any benefit to your life. Have a list of three questions you have answers before you start and then answer those same question when you finish. The questions could be as simple as, How am I feeling right now? Do I need to let go off anything? What something new have I discovered about myself? Once done compare your answers, is it much easier to answer your questions the second time round?
Let me know how it goes 🙂